The Top 5 Reasons to Write Your Nonfiction Book in 2019

Melanie Votaw
3 min readMar 28, 2019

Have you ever thought about writing a book? If not, it might be time to add it to your business goals. Having written 33 nonfiction books at this point in my career, either as an author or ghostwriter, I can tell you that it not only gives you an extraordinary feeling of accomplishment, but it’s an enormously powerful calling card for an entrepreneur.

Furthermore, the publishing industry had a banner year in 2018, and independent bookstores are experiencing a resurgence. So 2019 is the perfect year to write and publish your book!

But wait — you might be thinking, “I’m a terrible writer!” Don’t worry. You can hire a ghostwriter or editor to help you. In fact, even if you’re a great writer, an editor is a must, as we all need another set of eyes on our work.

So with no excuse allowed for a lack of writing skills, here are my top five reasons to write your book this year:

1. A book immediately will establish you as an expert and thought leader in your field. If you have expertise to share in your industry, a book will give you a chance to get it out into the world and attain greater visibility. When you market the book properly — whether you self-publish or have a traditional publisher — you will find that your credibility increases many times over, no matter how many years you’ve been in business.

2. A book will solidify your message or system. Every author I know has found that writing a book helps them clarify what they teach. By virtue of putting your lessons in a long-form, well-organized, written structure, you will improve your offerings in every aspect of your business. If you give talks, courses, and private coaching, your book will take all of it to the next level.

3. A book will build your business. As your visibility and credibility rise from the publication of your book, your business will increase accordingly. I know an author who tripled the number of people who showed up for her retreats — from one year to the next — all as a result of publishing a book. Another colleague more than doubled the number of clients she signed after her book was released.

4. A book can help you get more speaking gigs. If you want to take to the podium and speak, event planners love speakers who have a book to sell. Once again, a book will give you the credibility you need to convince others you have a message worthy of a stage. Combine your book with a nice speaker reel, and you’ll have a recipe for a new aspect to your career.

5. A book will give you the opportunity to change the lives of your readers. Perhaps the most rewarding benefit of writing a book is that you can give others something of value that has the potential to change them for the better — whether you’re providing business advice, a new health plan, a way to overcome emotional obstacles, or simply sharing your story of triumph over adversity.

I have yet to meet anyone who has regretted publishing a nonfiction book as part of their entrepreneurial plan. Even if you’ve never thought about writing a book, consider it a business-building tool, as well as one of the most satisfying things you will ever do.



Melanie Votaw

Melanie Votaw is a book author, ghostwriter, editor, and book coach who has written or edited 100+ nonfiction books. Read more at